Saturday, January 30, 2010

Morality of Football

Great article in todays Daily Telegraph highlighting the misdemanours of current England captain John Terry.

I am a Chelsea fan, but even I think Mr Terry's constant wrongdoings have now reached the point where he should give up the England captaincy.
Footballers earn huge amounts of money; in return for this they have a moral duty to act correctly, given that they are role models for a huge young following. The disturbing thing about many footballers is their total disregard for normal behaviour due to the money they have - Mr Terry parking in a disable bay and paying a £60 fine rather than parking further away is a classic example.

Football in England is at a tipping point, levels of debt are huge and if Skt are forced to reduce prices to Virgin and BT, then the gravy train may slow. Compare with German football, where clubs are locally owned, ticket prices are much lower and there is a concensus that the game is run for the benefit of it's customers, not a few elite players and dodgy owners.

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